Toau ffxi dialogue
Toau ffxi dialogue

toau ffxi dialogue

Moren: Wonderful, wonderful! I wanted to thank you, you see.


Though they say the starshower was harmless, one can never be too careful.But I concede it is not for me to tell the Warrior of Darkness how to look after him/herself. Will you be venturing forth today? Do be sure to take care if so. Having reaffirmed his resolve to settle matters in the First before departing for the Source, Alphinaud bends his steps back to Spagyrics, and you follow in turn. Instead, he conclude, the desire to help their fellow man was present from the beginning.

toau ffxi dialogue

The girl's response prompts him to reevaluate his belief that it was Elidibus who planted the desire to become Warriors of Light within people's hearts. Fruit-picking concluded, Alphinaud asks Riqi-Tio what inspired her decision to become an apothecary and a Warrior of Light.You pick what appears to be a reasonable haul of grapes, and take them to Riqi-Tio.At her suggestion, you go to help Alphinaud and Riqi-Tio pick bunches of undersized fruit directly from the vines.

toau ffxi dialogue

  • Gracine informs you that Chessamile's order is for grapes, but apologetically adds that they have yet to be harvested.
  • Lest her new charge come to harm, the chief chirurgeon requests that you go along to keep a watchful eye, before directing you to seek out a woman named Gracine.
  • The kindly Chessamile takes Riqi-Tio under her wing, and entrusts her with a task: retrieving a potion ingredient from Sweetsieve.
  • Rather than through tomes, however, Alphinaud believes he stands to learn best by observing the chirurgeons at work, and to that end he bids you accompany the Mystel child to Spagyrics. She wishes to become a specific kind of Warrior of Light─one who uses potions to fight─and has come to the Cabinet to study.
  • In impassioned tones, Riqi-Tio elaborates on her ambition.
  • Upon realizing she is in the presence of the great Warrior of Darkness, however, Riqi-Tio's chagrin reverts to excitement, and she can barely contain herself as she asks you what she must do to become a hero─or "Warrior of Light." You turn towards the commotion to find three Crystarium younglings, a shame-faced Riqi-Tio and her friends Arkil and Eirwel, whom Moren wastes no time chastising for their lack of care. As you ponder what this might imply, you are interrupted by a little girl's excited boice followed by the rumble of tumbling tomes. Intrigued, Alphinaud observes that the pithet is similarly used in the Source, and posits that Hydaelyn is likely the common thread. His class duly assembled, Moren proceeds to explain that, despite sharing no apparent connection, many individuals have been hailed as Warriors of Light throughout Vrandtic history, and that in time the title came to be a synonym for hero.
  • Reporting for your lesson at the Cabinet, you are soon joined by Alphinaud, Alisaie, and Ryne, who chanced to be there on separate errands.
  • The librarian duly heads back to the Cabinet of Curiosity to gather up materials, and bids you join him there at your earliest convenience. While on the subject, you take the opportunity to ask him what he knows of Warriors of Light, and he seems all too eager to enlighten you─when suitably prepared.
  • As you converse with the manager of suites in the Pendants, Moren arrives to thank you for revealing the truth about Ardbert and his comrades to the people.

  • Toau ffxi dialogue